Stop pulling on the lead

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Stop pulling on the lead

Stop pulling on the lead

Training a dog not to pull on the lead

dog pulling on lead

Training a dog not to pull on the lead takes patience and consistency, but it is a behaviour that can be modified with the right techniques.


Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Start by using a sturdy, comfortable harness for your dog. A properly fitted harness will ensure that your dog is comfortable and won’t hurt themselves while training.
  2. Use a standard 6-foot leash to start, and hold it with a firm grip. Avoid using retractable leashes or long lines, as these can encourage pulling behaviour.
  3. Begin by walking your dog in a quiet, low-distraction area, such as your backyard or a quiet park. Avoid walking in areas with a lot of other people or dogs, as this can be distracting for your dog.
  4. When your dog starts to pull, stop walking and stand still. Say “no” or “heel” in a calm voice. Wait for your dog to return to your side before starting to walk again.
  5. If your dog continues to pull, repeat step 4 until they start to understand that pulling will not get them where they want to go.
  6. Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your dog for walking calmly beside you. Give them a treat, praise them, or give them a toy or other reward when they are walking beside you without pulling.
  7. Be consistent with your training. Practice regularly, and be patient with your dog. It may take some time for them to learn to walk calmly beside you, but with consistent training, they will eventually get it.


Remember to always be patient, consistent, and use positive reinforcement to train your dog not to pull on the lead. With time and effort, your dog will learn to walk calmly beside you and enjoy their walks with you.